Ivonne's Story

Every mother wants to give birth to a healthy baby. But what if your baby isn’t born that way? What if doctors tell you that, because the bones of your newborn’s lower legs will never grow, your baby girl will never, ever walk?

Ivonne was one of those babies. She was born with a congenital condition in her lower legs. From birth, the bones below her knees did not grow. Her mother was told that her baby girl would never, ever walk.

With the love and determination that only a mother knows, Mom refused to give up hope for her child. She found Orthopaedic Institute for Children (OIC), and Yvonne became Dr. Anthony Scaduto’s patient.

“The first day I saw her, I knew she would walk if she received the right care and the right treatment,” says Dr. Scaduto.

He explained to her mother that her little girl needed to have surgery that would amputate both legs above the knee. Because once that was done, Ivonne could be fitted for prosthetics. And with prosthetics, she would be able to walk for the rest of her life.

“Ivonne is a sparkling child, full of energy, life and always in motion,” says Dr. Scaduto. “I am humbled by her bold spirit, and so grateful to be able to contribute to improving the quality of her life.”

 Learn about Congenital Limb Disorders